Borrow - Loan Company Website Template

بنك الاسكندرية يطلب Head of E-Banking and ATMs

Jun 11, 2018 بواسط الأدمن

To manage, develop and monitor the following channels performance: * ATMs & Mobile ATMs vehicles * Internet Banking * Electronic Bill Payement (Fawry) * Mobile Banking & SMS alerts * Mobile Payment solution * QMS (Queueing Management System) Website

- ATMs Expansion Plan (Study, Anlysis and Implementation) through usage of the Geo Marketing Software. - Strategic overview of all the above to convert each channel into profit centers. - To initiate partnerships/ joint programs with third parties to open up new revenue streams for each channel – Developing business cases and concept papers. - Project Management of all projects pertaining to channels – Interaction with External Partners, IT, Legal, Compliance, Information Security, etc. - To device strategies to migrate customers from high cost channels to low cost channels and optimize channel transaction levels. - To review pricing models of each channels and recommend changes if required.

ويتم التقديم مباشرة عبر الصفحة الرسمية للبنك على موقع Linked in من خلال الرابط التالى: يُرجى العلم، أنه لابد أولًا من تسجيل دخولك على موقع LinkedIn لتتمكن من التقدم للوظيفة. وعدم التقدم بطلب دون إرفاق سيرتك الذاتية.

موضوعات ذات صلة
